Development of the govuk-tech-docs-sphinx-theme

This theme was designed to complement govcookiecutter to provide a standardised GOV.UK Tech Docs-style theme that leverages the power of Sphinx, a Python document generator. This enables users to build and deploy documentation as a searchable website, whether that is locally on their machine or elsewhere, such as on GitHub Pages.

This theme is not an exact replica of GOV.UK Tech Docs template!

As bugs/discrepancies are discovered, the theme will be improved and updated - we are “TDD”-ing to completeness.

In this case, most of the testing is done by visual inspection of the built theme, rather than formal test scripts; use the example component pages to help with testing!

This theme is based on commit 1fb26fc of the GOV.UK Tech Docs template.

The theme was developed by taking a build of the GOV.UK Tech Docs template, splitting it out into an acceptable Sphinx layout. Sphinx blocks were then applied to the appropriate areas of the HTML code. By default, the template CSS and JavaScript files supersede the inbuilt Sphinx ones, aside from a few cases (e.g. search).

If you discover any bugs, and/or discrepancies, please raise a GitHub issue on our repository (check out our contributing guidelines, and code of conduct first).

If you also want to contribute to the solution, please do raise a pull request too! The following sections will hopefully assist with fixing any bugs. Consider reading the Sphinx documentation on templating, and documentation on using Jinja templating. For new or existing GOV.UK Design System components, read the Sphinx extension development documentation.

Comparing with GOV.UK Tech Docs template

The theme was built by from a specific version of the GOV.UK Tech Docs template, and amending all HTML files to use relative paths for all assets (CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.).

This repository contains an automated way to get the latest version of the template, and amend the paths on a Unix-based machine:

For comparison purposes only

Given the amount of changes, this process is more for comparison purposes to improve the theme, rather than rebuilding it from scratch.

For example, breaking changes between the template and the theme include updating the vendor JavaScript files, and the use of Sphinx’s search engine.

You can also use the GOV.UK Developer Docs or the GDS Way for comparison, although they are both slightly different to the template.

  1. Install ./jq

  2. Install the requirements for the GOV.UK Tech Docs template, but stop before creating a new project

  3. Open your terminal at the root of this repository, and run the shell script


This builds the latest version of the template in the untracked folder source/alphagov-tech-docs-template/build.

Fixing missing attributes and classes with jQuery

If you notice missing attributes and/or classes in the HTML, use jQuery to inject these attributes or classes at the correct location. Changes should be made in src/govuk_tech_docs_sphinx_theme/static/javascripts/theme.js.

For example, to prevent Sphinx autosummary from using a 10%:90% split for summary tables, the style attribute of all col tags are set to have a 50% width by this code:

$(function() {
  $('table.longtable > colgroup').find('col').each(function() {
    $(this).css('width', '50%');

The 'table.longtable > colgroup' line ensures only table tags with a longtable class with a nested colgroup tag are used to find nested col tags.

Fixing missing styles with CSS

As Sphinx blocks were injected directly into the built GOV.UK Tech Docs template, Sphinx will sometimes inject more HTML tags and classes. This can then break any styles that a conditional, say on the order of tags and/or classes.

If you identify a situation where this occurs, find out what the affected style should look like. Open src/govuk_tech_docs_sphinx_theme/static/stylesheets/manifest.css, and find the incorrectly applied style. Identify the problem, then copy the relevant styles from mainfest.css to src/govuk_tech_docs_sphinx_theme/static/stylesheets/theme.css, making the relevant changes to apply the style to the theme.

For example, page titles have a specific format in the GOV.UK Tech Docs template. However, they rely on a tag having a technical-documentation class, with a nested h1 tag (or a tag with a govuk-heading-xl class) in manifest.css.

.technical-documentation > h1, .govuk-heading-xl {
  color: #0b0c0c;
  font-family: "GDS Transport", Arial, sans-serif;
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-size: 32px;
  font-size: 2rem;
  line-height: 1.09375;
  display: block;
  margin-top: 0;
  margin-bottom: 30px; }

However, Sphinx injects a section before the first heading (page title), so the above CSS is amended in theme.css to:

.technical-documentation > section > h1, .govuk-heading-xl {
  color: #0b0c0c;
  font-family: "GDS Transport", Arial, sans-serif;
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
  font-weight: 700;
  font-size: 32px;
  font-size: 2rem;
  line-height: 1.09375;
  display: block;
  margin-top: 0;
  margin-bottom: 30px; }

Other relevant, and amended page title CSS also exist in theme.css exist, but have not been reproduced here for brevity.

GOV.UK Design System components

Some, but not all, GOV.UK Design System components have been included in this theme. To add additional ones, read the Sphinx documentation on extensions, and take a look at the existing ones in the src/govuk_tech_docs_sphinx_theme/components folder.

Note new components must be added as directives in the setup function of src/govuk_tech_docs_sphinx_theme/